Early years pupil premium
What is the early years pupil premium?
Children claiming their free entitlement could be eligible additional funding called the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
The Early Years Pupil Premium is extra funding paid to early years providers to improve outcomes for eligible children.
To find out if you are eligible simply complete the online application form:
- Email: EYPP@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
- Telephone: 01244 973930
If you are eligible
You can give your childcare provider permission to check your eligibility if you are on low income and receive one of the benefits below.
For eligibility, your children will be eligible if:
- They are receiving a free entitlement place in an early years provider
You also need to be in receipt of one or more of these benefits:
- Universal Credit (with an annual net earned income below £7,400). If you are part of a couple we may have to ask you for your last three most recent Universal Credit online statements or your entitlement letters from Universal Credit, so we can check your monthly take home pay is below the threshold.
Or if you have a total annual household (you and your partner) income below £16,190 and receive:
- Income support.
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance.
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance.
- Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
- The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
- Child Tax Credit.
- Working Tax Credits.
Or if your child:
- Looked after by the Council (is in foster care etc).
- Has been adopted from care or has left care through special guardianship.
- Are subject to a child arrangement/residence order setting out with whom the child is to live.
If you are eligible for the early years pupil premium we will inform your childcare provider and make the relevant payment to them.
How will the provider use the EYPP?
Providers will use the money in ways they think will support your child’s learning and development. This will be based on their understanding of your child’s needs and preferences.
Will I be involved in how the money is being spent?
Your child’s key person, as part of their ongoing communication, will continue to talk to you about your child’s time in the setting. The EYPP will be used to support your child’s learning and development.
Your provider may combine the EYPP payments for several children, or work with other providers, in order to fund specific activity or training.
How much is the funding?
The amount is 66p per hour. It is directly linked to the number of free hours you are taking up at your early years provider.
So if you claim 10 hours per week, the premium will be 10 x 66p (£6.60) per week.
Where to find help
For further information contact the Early Years Funding team who will be able to complete the check.
- Email: EYPP@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
- Telephone: 01244 973930