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Paying for care and support

How can I pay my invoice?

Our preferred method of payment is by Direct Debit. This can be set up when you start receiving services, or at any time once services have started. To set up a direct debit you should contact the Client Finance Team.

If you choose not to set up a direct debit, you will find a full list of alternative payment options on the reverse of your invoice which includes paying online, over the telephone and at PayPoint sites.

How does the care provider get paid?

If your care needs are being met by care arranged by us, we will pay the care provider the total (100%) amount for your care and then, if you are financially assessed to pay a contribution towards the cost of care, we will then invoice you for that care based on your assessed charge.

What if I don’t agree with/want to query my bill?

If you wish to discuss your invoice and/or don’t agree with the invoice amount or the amount of care you have been invoiced for, you can contact the Client Finance Team.