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Disability support

Living with a long-term condition

Living with a long-term condition brings challenges and it's important to have the confidence, support and information to take control of your situation.

Learning disability

There are several services available for adults with learning disabilities, including:

  • Day services - for people who need support during the day.
  • Supported living - skilled staff provide support to adults with learning disabilities to help them live independently in accommodation suited to their needs. The levels of support are tailored to individual needs and range from 24-hour waking staff to staff visiting people in their own homes for a few hours each week.
  • Family based care services - provide people with day care, short stay or longer-term care in the home of an approved Carer or within the individual's own home.
  • Home care - care in people's own homes is offered to those who require assistance. Support may be required with personal care, such as washing or dressing, cooking and cleaning, or help with managing finances.

The following organisations also offer support to people with learning disabilities to assist them to access activities and services locally:

  • SEE Communications delivers a service that reduces social isolation, raises self-esteem, increases confidence and improves social interaction amongst adults with Autism and learning disabilities with associated mental health conditions.
  • DIAL West Cheshire delivers a supported volunteer programme for people with learning disabilities
  • CarersTrust4All delivers support sessions for people with Asperger's, led by a qualified speech and language therapist. The sessions are structured using exercises and role-play.

For contact details, contact the Pathfinder Team:

Alternatively, visit the Live Well Cheshire West website or contact the Cheshire West Community Access Team.

Live Well Cheshire West
  • Telephone: 0300 123 7034

Physical disability

If you have a physical disability or a long-term condition, Adult Social Care and other organisations may be able to signpost you to, or provide you with, services to help you live as independently as possible. There are also services available to support someone who may be your Carer.

For more information, contact the Cheshire West Community Access Team

  • Telephone: 0300 123 7034

Sensory impairment

Anyone with a sensory impairment can feel disconnected to the world, isolated and struggle with communication. This can lead to a loss of independence which then affects their confidence, especially as the senses decrease.

Vision Support operates across Cheshire West and Chester. Its objective is to provide a community service to people with sight loss, to reduce isolation and support individuals to remain in their own homes.

Deafness Support Network also operates across Cheshire West and Chester to provide a community service to people with hearing loss, which includes specialist support and practical advice.

Deafness Support Network

  • Telephone: 0333 220 5050

Vision Support

Mental health

When someone is worried about their mental health they will usually visit their GP, who may refer them to our Wellness Service or to the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership Trust. The Wellness Service provides mental health, substance misuse, learning disability and community physical health services. Referrals are normally made by GPs and other health professionals. Staff help people manage everyday living, organise activities, access employment and training to build self-confidence, and to give encouragement to become part of the community and be more independent.

These services are provided in partnership with commissioners, local authorities, voluntary and independent organisations, people who use our services and their Carers.

For further information, visit Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (CWP)

For all mental health referrals for adults, contact:

West Cheshire - Primary Care Mental Health team

  • Telephone: 01244 397762/61

East Cheshire - Single Point of Access Referral team

  • Telephone: 01625 505626

South Cheshire and Vale Royal - Wellbeing Hub

  • Telephone: 01606 555270

Chapter, Mid-Cheshire MIND and Making Space deliver specialist services for adults aged 18 and over across Cheshire West and Chester. Chapter and Mid-Cheshire MIND can offer access to social groups with drop-in facilities, they offer community based projects with a health and wellbeing focus and they also manage peer support networks.

Making Space delivers services that focus on employment. It supports individuals to access volunteering opportunities, work based placements and, ideally, full employment.


  • Telephone: 01244 344409

Mid-Cheshire MIND

  • Telephone: 01606 863305

Making Space

  • Telephone: 01925 571680

If you're unsure who to contact, contact the Pathfinder Team

  • Telephone: 01244 329777

The Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (CWP) also provides mental health services for young people. For more information, contact:

West Cheshire

Vale Royal

Dementia care

If you have concerns about your memory, the first point of contact is your GP (for healthcare needs) or Adult Social Care (for most other services). As well as discussing your concerns, your GP will be able to carry out tests and refer you to the memory assessment service where you may receive a diagnosis of dementia.

Alzheimer's Society offers advice and support from trained dementia advisers and support workers who help anyone affected by any type of dementia, including people with dementia, their Carers and family.

Alternatively, you can contact the Pathfinder Team

More information is available at the Live Well Cheshire West website

Alternatively, contact the Cheshire West Community Access Team

  • Telephone: 0300 123 7034