Lache Action Plan
In November 2023, Cheshire West and Chester Council endorsed the Lache Action Plan, which has been developed from community consultation and engagement with stakeholders from October 2021 together with a series of public meetings. There is broad consensus in favour of all four Action Plan projects, with strong support for each project from key parts of the community.
Lache Cafe Tender Opportunity
If you are interested in tendering to provide a Café in Lache Community Centre, please speak to the Centre Supervisor (Hannah) for further details. Alternatively, you can email the team for further details at
Planned meetings and work schedule
All meetings will be held at Lache Community Centre.
Lache Park (Sycamore Drive)
Contractors on site, completion Summer 2024.
Backies - Task and finish meetings
- Thursday 17 October: 10am - 11.30am
Community Centre – Task and finish meetings
- Thursday 17 October: 1.30pm -3pm
Road improvements – Hawthorn, Poplar & Clivedon
- To be confirmed
Lache Action Plan – Annual update (Public meeting)
- Tuesday 19 November: 5pm - 6.30pm
Please note that we reserve the right to amend dates of meetings to align with progress update.