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Commercial waste

Removal of commercial waste

What can I do with my waste?

Before disposing of your waste, please ensure that it is not hazardous. If your waste is hazardous then it needs to be dealt with by a specialist company. There are a few ways to check if your waste is hazardous:

  • does the item have a hazardous description or symbol displayed?
  • check the information booklet that accompanies the item
  • ask the supplier of the goods
  • check the national guidance on the Gov.UK website 

Non-hazardous waste can be reused, repaired, and recycled. If possible you could sell, donate or swap any unwanted items before you decide to dispose of them. Some local repair services may be able to fix your items so they're saleable. Alternatively, you can check if your waste contractor provides a recycling service.

Storing waste for collection

Please ensure that waste is stored and labelled properly so nothing can leak, escape, or smell. Keep waste secure in a bin, store, or other appropriate container. Hygiene waste needs to be kept in a specialised container.

Waste items that need to be kept apart:

  • dry recyclables: metals, paper, glass, and plastic could be collected in separate containers for recycling
  • hygiene or healthcare: sanitary waste and first aid waste, these will need to be compliant with the carriage of dangerous goods
  • confidential waste: this should be kept in secure containers and disposed of appropriately e.g., shredding
  • electronic waste: phones, kettles, computers, fridges can be recycled
  • hazardous waste such as batteries, acid, engine oil and some light bulbs: these will need to be compliant with the carriage of dangerous goods

If you are unsure how to store your waste check with your waste contractor and the Environment agency.