Unconventional gas and oil extraction
Working group
A Cross Party Working Group was tasked with a fact-finding exercise in relation to conventional and unconventional gas and oil techniques which includes shale gas and coal bed methane extraction (fracking).
Minutes of meetings
Consultation and report
In 2014, Cheshire West and Chester Council formed a Cross Party Working Group to undertake a fact-finding exercise to help better inform the Council about unconventional gas and oil extraction practice and procedure relevant to the Borough. Key speakers and members of the public were invited to provide evidence through a series of public meetings covering overarching themes.
The process has now concluded and a Final Report is available which provides an overview of the information presented to the Working Group during the four themed meetings.
Please send any comments to:
- Email: UGO@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
- By post: Cheshire West and Chester Council, HQ, Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP
Public meetings
A series of themed meetings were held investigating the different aspects of the process. All meetings were held at Cheshire West and Chester Council HQ, 58 Nicholas St, Chester, CH1 2NP.
- 29 September 2014: The Regulatory Landscape
Setting out the national context and clarifying the role of different agencies responsible for regulation and decision making. - 13 November 2014: The Environment
Exploring the impacts of oil and gas exploitation on the environment. Understanding what measures can be undertaken to mitigate any potential impacts on the environment. - 15 January 2015: The Economy
Understanding the potential localised short and long-term economic benefits /disbenefits for residents, local business, jobs, economic growth and overall contribution to the Borough’s Energy Sector. - 23 February 2015 / 5 March 2015: The Community
Looking at the issues that are of concern to the local Community of the Borough including community consultation.