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Financial assessment calculator


If you are using the financial assessment calculator to estimate the amount you might have to contribute to any care costs – the calculated figure will only be an estimate.

This will only be as accurate as the information you are entering, therefore any incorrect and/or missing information will affect the calculation produced. The calculator should only be used as an indicative figure.

Once the verification of your submitted information has been completed, you will be contacted and provided with your finalised figures.

If you receive care funded by us; at home, in the community, or in a residential or nursing home, you will be asked to provide information about your individual financial circumstances to work out if, and how much, you will need contribute to the cost of your care.

We have an easy to use, online financial assessment calculator which will tell you how much you might be asked to contribute towards your care.

Most people will be expected to pay towards the cost of their care however you may be entitled to receive financial support towards the cost. This means that we will pay the care provider for the services you receive and then invoice you for your contribution towards the cost.

This will be assessed on an individual basis following submission of your financial assessment information, and the online financial assessment calculator lets you do this for yourself – free, in confidence, and in your own time. Please note that this will be an estimated figure only based on the accuracy and completeness of information you enter. This will be verified by a Financial Assessment Officer on submission of the online financial assessment information.

What is the process?

Following your care act assessment, your social worker will send you the link to our online financial assessment calculator. You will have 28 days to complete the required information online and if we do not hear from you in this time, we will assume that you will pay in full for your care. If you submit the form after 28 days, we will reassess your contribution from the date care services started.

Please note: if you decline the financial assessment, we will assume that you are able to pay for the full cost of providing your service and will invoice you accordingly. After this time, if you request a financial assessment and are assessed to be able to contribute towards the cost of your care, you will be charged from the date your care services started.