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Council housing

Performance - How we are doing

We measure our performance through performance indicators which are agreed between the Council and ForHousing. There are also performance indicators which we have to provide to the Government and these are called Tenant Satisfaction Measures or TSM’s. The Regulator of Social Housing has created a new system for assessing how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services. In addition to introducing revised consumer standards, this will involve a set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures that social housing landlords must report on. Tenants will be able to use these measures to understand how well their landlord is doing.

The Together with Tenants Charter has been developed alongside tenants as a way of making clear what matters to you, and our commitment to providing the best possible services. In the Charter there are five pledges and we agreed how we will measure success in each area using Tenant Satisfaction Measures and Key Performance Indicators.

Key Performance Indicators 

To help monitor how we are doing, we have developed Key Performance Indicators that measure tenant satisfaction and our delivery of housing management services.

You can see how we are performing against our Key Performance Indicators in the table below.

On target
Out of target but within tolerance
Out of target and tolerance
Red octagon
Quarter 4 Status and narrativeKPI ref and description | Target | Tolerance Quarter 4 Result
TrianglePMF-01: Current rent collected as a % of rent owed (excl void rent loss) |100% | 2.00%Performance at 99.31% is slightly short of 100% target and is a higher collection rate compared to the previous 2 years, at the year end.
TickPMF-02: Rent arrears of current & former tenants as % of annual rent owed (excl void loss) | 7.50% | 1.00%6.56%
TrianglePMF-03: Rent loss due to empty properties (voids) as a percentage of the gross rent (includes void rent loss) | 0.60% | 0.20%0.63% Performance has been directly affected by the increase in the average relet time, mainly due to an increase in the number of void properties requiring major works this year compared to previous years.
TickPMF-04: Number of unique service users involved in formal / informal consultation groups (inc digital) as a % of the total stock | 2.50% | 0.25%2.74%
TrianglePMF-05: Percentage of pre termination visits completed where notice has been given | 100% | 3 tenancies with no visit98.33% 1 visit missed in August due to an administrative error.
Red octagonPMF-06: Re-let time (calendar days) all voids | 24 | 532.20 More void properties have required major works this year compared to previous years which take longer to complete the works. This has negatively affected the ‘average’ relet time this year, but performance is within the top quartile range when compared to other housing providers.
TickPMF-07: Percentage of emergency repairs attended and made safe or completed within 24 hours | 100% | 12 repairs100%
TickPMF-08a: Average time to complete Routine Repairs (working days) | 20 | 1 16.03
TickPMF-08b: Average time to complete Urgent Repairs (working days) | 7 | 1 5.52
TickPMF-09: Percentage properties with a valid gas safety certificate (ForHousing Managed) | 100% | No tolerance100%
TrianglePMF-10: Percentage of all appointed jobs where appointment was kept | 98.75% | 1.00%98.14% 108 more appointments needed to be ‘kept’ to be on target. This measure is being closely monitored and our contractor has taken on more resources and recruitment is ongoing.
TrianglePMF-11: Percentage of properties achieving the decent homes standard | 100% | 0.30%99.74% All properties have achieved decency at yearend except 14 properties requiring new windows in a conservation area in Neston.
White squarePercentage of tenants satisfied with the landlords services overall | Baseline Year 1 | TBC67.85% Data Only Year 1 (NEW: Perception survey)
Grey squarePMF-13 Percentage of tenants satisfied with repairs & maintenance services | Baseline Year 1 | TBC68.58% Data Only Year 1 (NEW: Perception survey)
TickPMF-14 Percentage of tenants satisfied with Capital Investment Programme | 98.00% | 1.00%98.34%

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM’s)

In our Together with Tenants Charter we agreed with the tenant group that we will use the Government’s TSM's. These have been introduced by the Housing Regulator to set the standards that all social housing landlords must meet.

The measures will support you to hold us to account across five key themes:

  1. Keeping properties in good repair
  2. Maintaining building safety
  3. Effective handling of complaints
  4. Respectful and helpful engagement
  5. Responsible neighbourhood management

TSM’s are a new way of finding out if you are happy with the services you are receiving. The first results are perception based and produced by an external provider called Kwest. They have conducted the surveys in-line with the Housing Regulators’ prescribed methodology for the new TSM’s. To understand if there are key themes for dissatisfaction, we are undertaking analysis and we will share the findings soon.

Results from the first TSM's are now available. Please note it is a requirement from DLUHC that the exact figures are identical to the TSM return to the regulator of social housing.