Seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccinations

Flu and COVID-19 vaccine programmes
Seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccination helps reduce serious illness, hospitalisation and death, and reduces pressure on the NHS and social care. Vaccination helps to protect you and those you care for.
The Council supports our NHS partners in the seasonal roll-out of the flu and COVID-19 vaccination programmes.
Find out about the vaccines, how well they work, how safe they are and how to get one on the NHS website:
Roving COVID-19 Vaccination service
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust delivers seasonal COVID-19 vaccinations as part of its Living Well Service.
This is a mobile service which offers a range of health checks to communities across Cheshire and Merseyside, including residents in Cheshire West.
Planning your flu and COVID-19 vaccination journey
If you have been invited for a flu or COVID-19 vaccination appointment in the borough and need to use public transport to get to your vaccination site, please view the latest timetable information.