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Purpose of the board

Our overall purpose is to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs. The board ensure that, locally, abuse is prevented and that, when it does occur, partners respond in line with the needs and wishes of the person experiencing harm.

A key role of the board is to ensure that there is a partnership approach to safeguarding by promoting collaboration between all the partners for effective communication, information sharing and awareness raising.

Our aims

Working together and with adults at risk of abuse the board aims to ensure people are:

  • safe and able to protect themselves from abuse and neglect
  • treated fairly and with dignity and respect
  • protected when they need to be
  • able to easily get the support, protection and services that they need

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.

The work of the board is driven by its vision to promote partnership working by working together to help people feel safe and free from abuse and neglect. 

What impact did the Board make in 2022-23?

The Boards Strategic Plan 2020-23 sets out the priority areas over the next 3 years. To deliver those priorities several annual objectives are agreed. What we have done to achieve our objectives for 2022-23 are set out below:

All presentations are available on the  LSAB section of the website.

We matter too

The We Matter Too report was sent out from the National Chairs Network and examines the disproportionate incidents of domestic abuse to people with disabilities, focusing on the age range of 16-25 years. A task and finish group was convened to review the report to provide insight and discussion and an action plan had been created to ensure we respond to the needs of people with disabilities who experience domestic abuse.