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Training and development

We are committed to a culture of continuous learning and improvement. There are large numbers of people working with adults both employed and as volunteers, and it is important that they are sufficiently skilled to spot the signs of abuse and understand safeguarding issues. We need to know who in the workforce needs to be trained, hold their organisations to account to ensure that they receive appropriate training and to seek evidence that the training and learning opportunities have made a positive difference to safeguarding practice.

The importance of multi-agency training is reinforced through research and reinstated through local and national case reviews. Effective safeguarding is underpinned by strong multi-agency working and professionals understanding and acting upon their respective roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding adults.

In addition to the range of e-learning courses available we also provided training in Provider Led Adult, Leadership in Adult Safeguarding, Prevent and Far Right Extremism and Domestic Abuse. We have seen an increase in safeguarding referrals and quality concerns and put some of that down to staff attending the various training courses.
