This free e-learning module is available to all staff who are employed or volunteer in organisations that work with people at risk in Cheshire West and Chester. This includes all Health and Social Care staff, non-care staff, drivers, housekeepers and kitchen staff. Instructions to access this module:
- Visit the iLearn website
- Enter the guest access password which is: safeguarding.
- Then complete the course and complete the smart survey at the end, so your completion can be tracked.
- You will need to complete the whole module in one sitting as the guest access does not bookmark your progress.
Guest access
Visit the iLearn website:
- Select guest access
- Enter the guest access password which is: DVA2020
Employee access
Visit the professional area for employee access to this course and others.
Guest access
We would encourage anyone accessing the course to review their own organisations/services safeguarding policy and procedures in conjunction with the course.
- Password: Safeguarding
More information regarding safeguarding procedures can be found on the Safeguarding Children's Partnership website
Safeguarding everyone aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of what we can do to protect the most vulnerable people in our communities. Everyone has the right to live a life free from fear, abuse or neglect. Any form of harm is unacceptable, no matter what justification or reason may be given for it.
This short animation aims to encourages us to think about how we can play our part to keep everyone safe, know how to report any concerns and ensure that everyone is supported to live healthy, happy and fulfilling lives. The course is accompanied by the Safeguarding Everyone learning pack.
Take a moment to watch the Safeguarding Everyone animation
- ask yourself how you would respond in these situations?
- think about situations that you may come across in your role?
- who would you speak to if you had a concern for a child or adults welfare?
Who this course is for?
For anyone coming into contact with adults and children who feel they would benefit from gaining awareness from this one hour briefing session.
Course summary
- Who may be vulnerable to being radicalised or extremism behaviour?
- What Far Right strategies are used?
- How groups operate
- Be able to recognise signs and symbols used
- How to make a referral if you have any concerns
- The Local Authorities responsibility and the role of the Prevent Locality Coordinator
Not chargeable.
Course dates
- Tuesday 11 February 2025, 10am (Microsoft Teams)
Who this course is for?
Providers of care including Domiciliary Care, Care homes (residential and nursing), Acute Hospital Trusts, Independent Hospitals, Mental Health Provider Trusts (CWP), Supported Living Providers (learning disabilities and mental health services).
Course summary
- This course will enable staff to be aware of the duties and responsibilities as outlined by the Care Act (2014) and other key legislation
- The criteria for making a section 42 enquiry
- The criteria for a quality concern
- Completing a provider led enquiry and finalising a report
- Understand the principles of leadership in the context of safeguarding
- Articulate the process of and the skills required when responding to concerns as a leader
- Be mindful of relevant standards applicable to measuring performance and agree actions for improvement
- Have an awareness of the range of research and literature and know how to use it to improve individual and organisational learning
- Identify the key features of safer recruiting, retention and dealing with people issues
- Have an awareness of responding to incidents involving people in a position of trust
- £30 per person
Course dates
- 26 November 2024: 12:30pm to 15:00pm (Room 1.3, The Portal, Ellesmere Port)
- 14 January 2025: 9:30am to 12:30pm (Teams meeting)
- 1 April 2025: 9:30am to 12:30pm (Room 1.3, The Portal, Ellesmere Port)
Who this course is for?
Anyone working with adults and families across Pan Cheshire
Course summary
As part of Adult Safeguarding Week 2023 we are running a workshop via teams which will provide an introduction to ‘Adopting a trauma informed approach to safeguarding adults’
Aims of the session:
- We will explore ‘what is trauma’ and understand how it can impact adults in terms of behaviour and physical health
- We will consider the trauma informed principles and how these align with the principles of adult safeguarding
- We will explore initial strategies in how you can respond and what this means in practice
Course dates
There are currently no dates for this course.
Anyone who is interested in finding out more about a trauma informed approach to working, please visit 'Our Way of Working'
If you have an existing account on Easygenerator, please log in with your email address and password.
If you require a password reset, please click the link on the page.
New users should sign up to EasyGenerator on the page, using their email address and a memorable password.
Other e-learn courses
Prevent Duty Training
This is the key tool we have for helping Prevent Duty statutory partners understand how to spot the signs of radicalisation and refer individuals into Prevent. There are three sections to the training, as well as a refresher awareness course. The third course is key to running a successful Channel Panel, and all members should complete this course before attending their first panel. More information about the training courses can be found on GOV.UK.
For a copy of the presentation, please email
Charging policy
Learning and development
Professional curiosity
Professional curiosity is the capacity and skills of communication to explore and understand what is happening for a person rather than making assumptions or accepting things at face value. It requires skills of looking, listening, asking direct questions and being able to hold difficult conversations. Nurturing professional curiosity and challenge are a fundamental aspect of working together to keep adults safe from harm. This approach is important in helping to identify abuse and neglect which is less obvious and can ensure that the right information is gathered to assess needs and risks. Being professionally curious is necessary to fully understand a situation and the risks an individual may face which are not always immediately obvious
- Is there anything about what you see when you meet with the adult / their family that makes you feel uneasy or prompts questions?
- Do you see behaviours which indicate abuse or neglect, including coercion and control?• Does what you see contradict or support what you are being told?
- How are family members interacting with each other and with you?
- Are you being told anything that needs further clarification?
- Is someone trying to tell you something?
- Are you concerned about what you hear family members say to each other?
- Is someone in the family trying to tell you something, but finding it difficult to express themselves or speak openly?
- Make time and space to have a private conversation with an adult who may be at risk of abuse or neglect, or subject to coercion and control
Research indicates those who experience abuse, including coercion and control want practitioners to ask direct questions and that it is easier to respond to a direct question than offer information independently.
- I’ve noticed you have this injury. Is there anything going on for you which may have caused this?
- Do you feel frightened of anyone?
- Do you feel safe living here?
- Who makes decisions about what you can and cannot do?
- Some of the things you have told me today concern me. Is somebody hurting you or are you afraid someone might hurt you in the future?
- Are other professionals involved? What information do they have?
- Have other professionals seen the same as you?
- Are professionals being told the same or different things?
- Are others concerned? If so, what action has been taken and is there anything else which should or could be done by you or someone else?
Tackling disagreements or hostility, raising concerns, and giving information that may not be well received are incredibly challenging and difficult things to do. The following tips can support practitioners in holding difficult conversations:
- Plan to ensure there will be time to cover essential elements of the conversation.
- Keep the agenda focused on the topics you need to discuss.
- Be clear and unambiguous.
- Have courage and focus on the needs of the adult at risk.
- Be non-confrontational and non-blaming.
- Stick to the facts and have evidence to back up what you say.
- Ensure decision making is justifiable and transparent.
- Show empathy, consideration, and compassion.
- Demonstrate congruence i.e. make sure tone, body language and content of speech are consistent.
- Consider the adult’s needs for advocacy support.
- Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board Professional Curiosity Guidance
- Research in Practice - Professional curiosity in safeguarding adults
- Research in Practice for adults - Coercive control tools and resources
- Waltham Forest Professional Curiosity video
From several reviews recently commissioned in west Cheshire we have highlighted significant learning around the importance of professional curiosity in supporting an effective safeguarding response.
The Think Family SAR/SCR with the pseudo name Family X has recently been published.
A range of safeguarding courses are available through the Adult Safeguarding Board and the Safeguarding Children's Partnership