Let’s Talk Adult Social Care Consultation
This consultation is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who took part, your feedback has helped shaped the final strategy.
A report which summarises the consultation findings and how your feedback has influenced the final strategy is available below.
The strategy was considered by Cabinet alongside the consultation findings on the 31 July 2024 and the final ‘Enabling Great Lives: Our Adult Social Care Strategy for 2024-28’ is available online:
We are running a public consultation on our draft Adult Social Care Strategy, 'Enabling Great Lives'.

Our 'Enabling Great Lives' draft strategy summarises how we plan to continue to improve Adult Social Care services over time and work with people in West Cheshire and all our partners to turn our ambitions into reality.
This intends to be an overarching strategy document which provides a framework for how services will be delivered.
Social care has never been more prominent in our daily lives
We need your views on the draft strategy to ensure that it reflects local people’s needs.
Find out more
Share your views
There are a variety of other ways you can get involved and share your views:
- Email views to: enablinggreatlives@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
- Write to: Enabling Great Lives Consultation, Community Access Team, Ellesmere Port, Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BG
- Telephone: 0300 123 8 123 quoting ‘Adult Social Care Consultation’
- Request a copy of our consultation in alternative formats, including paper and easy read, using the contact details above
- Arrange to input into the survey over the telephone using the contact details above
- Paper copies of the consultation and survey are also available to pick up from many Let’s Talk health and wellbeing sites
Drop In Sessions
We are also running drop-in sessions at the following Let’s Talk locations and dates. Please join us and we can discuss the draft strategy face to face.
- 27 February 2024, 10am - Noon at the Very Green Grocery, High Street, Winsford, CW7 2AS
- 1 March 2024, 11am - 1pm at The Venue, Hawthorn Road, Lache, Chester CH4 8HX
- 8 March 2024, 10am - Noon at the Matthew Henry Evangelical Church, Nevin Road, Blacon, CH1 5RS
- 11 March 2024, 11am - 1pm at the Trinity Church, Whitby Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 0AT
- 11 March 2024, 2 - 4pm at the Sandiway Library, Mere Lane, Cuddington, Northwich, CW8 2NS
- 12 March 2024, 1 - 2:30pm at Neston Library, Parkgate Road, Neston, CH64 6QE
- 14 March 2024, 10am - Noon at the Kelsall Wellbeing Hub Cafe, 7 Green Hill Road, Kelsall, CW6 0SN
How we will use the information you share
We will use your feedback to help shape the new adult social care strategy.
The engagement period is now closed.
A summary of the consultation feedback will be published on our website in due course.
Your feedback will be taken into account and we will share how the consultation findings have influenced the final strategy.
In participating in the consultation no information will be released that could identify an individual or household. If you would like to know more about how we use and store the information you give us please read the Council's privacy notice.
Privacy Notice
If you would like to know more about how we use and store the information you give us, you can visit our privacy notice page.
Council information is also available in audio, braille, large print or other formats. If you would like a copy in a different format, in another language or require a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter, please contact us:
- Email: equalities@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
- Telephone: 0300 123 8 123
- Textphone: 18001 01606 867670