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Tobacco Control Strategy

Our vision, aims, principles, approach and priorities

Our vision

By 2030, cigarette smoking will be a much rarer sight on our streets and in our homes.  Hundreds more young people will be protected from starting to smoke and breathing in second hand smoke.  Thousands of our most vulnerable and dependent smokers will have accessed advice and support to quit smoking for good. Our aspiration is to achieve a smoke free generation by 2030.

Our aims

The aims we want to achieve are to:

  1. Prevent even more children and young people from taking up smoking and vaping
  2. Reduce the number of residents who smoke, particularly those who have the strongest dependence and face the most challenges in quitting successfully
  3. Create an environment that supports people to stop smoking for good

Our principles

  • Outcomes-focused
  • Emphasis on local action
  • Innovation
  • Advocate for change
  • Equity
  • Building stronger links

We want to put people at the heart of our strategy. We believe this will help to reduce the uptake of smoking in young people and ensure the current smokers take the lead in their quit pathway.

The strategy will endorse and present a borough-wide approach whilst simultaneously appreciating the need for targeted working to address the specific issues that are areas of concern.

We will look at new ways of working, being creative and working across the health and social care system to deliver on our aims in the tobacco control strategy. It is important to challenge attitudes, behaviours, terminology and how we deliver services as part of this process.

We understand that smoking, can go hand in hand with issues such as poor mental health, alcohol or substance misuse, or living with other major stresses in life. We will create stronger ties with services that can offer support with these underlying issues.

Our approach

  • Reducing inequalities
  • Prevention
  • Partnership working
  • Evidence base
  • Personal responsibility and empowerment

Achieving the aims of the tobacco control strategy cannot be done in isolation, rather a collaborative approach across agencies will be required. This will include public, private, and voluntary partner organisations working together, and the involvement of the public through consultation and community engagement.

Decisions about services and programmes should be based upon the best available information and our strategy is based on our knowledge of local need as shown in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, (2017). This ensures we make best use of resources, providing the best possible services and support.

Tobacco control should not be seen as a life-style choice, smoking is an addiction and should be treated as such. In preventing the uptake of smoking and supporting people to quit, it must be seen in its widest context, considering the person’s environment, the geography within which they live and the life stage they are at.

Inequalities in smoking prevalence highlight the need to focus on smoking in order to address health inequalities, but also reinforces the need for targeting resources equitably. This will contribute to the fall in smoking prevalence for the whole population but would ensure a higher quit rate in deprived areas, those on low incomes and vulnerable groups.

Our priorities