Winsford Town Centre
Winsford is a thriving and vibrant place to live, work, learn and play. The Council has committed to funding ambitious projects and developments as part of its vision for the town.
Redevelopment of Winsford town centre to unlock economic opportunities for existing and new businesses, creating a thriving waterfront area with access to leisure and nature, and residential development are all vital parts of the future for Winsford that the Council is working hard to deliver.
The first phase of the Council’s ambitious regeneration of Winsford town centre is underway. The £22.5 million project is funded by the Council and the Government’s Future High Street Fund. It is the biggest investment in the town centre shopping area since the 1960s, made possible by the Council’s acquisition of the site in 2018.
The scheme will bring new businesses to Winsford and create new and exciting public spaces. There is also a continued commitment to culture, building on the success of Winsford Creates and Cine-window.

What is happening in Winsford town centre?
Work is now taking place on the regeneration of Winsford town centre.
The new Aldi store opened in 2021. The current works involves demolishing buildings no longer fit for purpose, such as Queens Parade and Fountain Court.
A new B&M superstore and garden centre - roughly half the size of a football pitch - is being built. A new Costa Coffee at the corner of Dene Drive and High Street has now opened and offers drive-thru and indoor seating. New businesses have opened this year, including My Dentist, Coffee House and Caprinos. Cine-window Winsford also has new art installations opening in the next year.
A new 168-space car park is being built and will include electric vehicle charging spaces. Improvements to walking and cycling access with cycle storage will make the town centre easy to visit.
New open public spaces will host exciting pop-ups, events and entertainment. More green space in the town centre than ever before will create a relaxing and pleasant environment to enjoy. Over 50 new trees will be planted to reconnect with nature and link to existing green spaces such as the Town Park.
Working with the Royal British Legion and Winsford Town Council, the two war memorials are being refurbished. They have now been relocated within a new public square in front of the library.
The Council remains committed to Winsford Market and recognises that an improved market offer is needed. The Council has begun discussing potential options with traders to improve Winsford Market.
View the site plan

Progress to date
Work began on site in Spring 2023. Queens Parade and Fountain Court have now been demolished.
The project is in its construction phase, with work now complete on the new Costa Coffee, which opened on Friday 10 May. The opening of Costa has created 11 new jobs for local people, with one of these positions filled through Winsford’s Work Zone, who provided a customer service qualification and training for applicants.
The steel frame for the new B&M superstore is well underway and works are progressing on the groundworks and new floor slab for the building. Work on the new utility connections for electricity, gas and water is ongoing.
Work on the refurbishment and relocation of the two town centre war memorials is underway. The memorials have been successfully relocated to their new home outside Winsford Library, forming a new dedicated civic square. Residents and visitors will benefit from improved and increased space around them and they will be installed at surface level to provide better access for all, particularly during the well-attended Remembrance Sunday service. Specialist restoration works to the memorials are currently taking place to improve their condition. Kier are installing the paving and new feature lighting around the memorials. The relocation will be completed later this year.
A proportion of car parking (approx. 40 spaces) near Costa Coffee is now open. There will be a three-hour time limit on parking to ensure spaces remain available for shoppers and visitors to the town centre and health centre. The existing long-stay parking options for town centre workers will remain available.
Site hoardings are in place to ensure the safety of the public and the contractors working on the site. The hoardings show the work of local artists from the Cine-window project.
Will there be any disruption?
As with any large construction project, there may be disruption to pedestrian access around the town centre while work is taking place. Please follow the signage that has been installed to find your way around the hoardings.
The Dene Drive footpath has been closed to pedestrians from 1 October 2023 and will remain closed for 14 months.
The service area to the rear of Fountain Court at Winsford Shopping Centre is closed to the public. The only access will be for retailers and market traders.
The Dene Drive car park in the middle of the site is closed. Please consider taking the bus, walk, or cycle. If you are visiting by car, please use one of the many other car parks around the town centre while work is going on.
The Council is prioritising town centre parking for visitors and car parking can be found at the various locations listed below:
- Asda Surface
- Asda Multi-Storey
- Wyvern House visitor car park (visitors to the building only)
- Winsford Library and Vale House Resource Centre (staff and visitor priority)
- Winsford Marina
- St Andrews Methodist Church (permit holders only)
- Verdin Exchange
- Aldi
- Farmfoods
- Winsford Lifestyle Centre
- Dene Drive Medical Centre
- High Street Car Parking Bays
- Wetherspoons Pub (Parking charges apply)
- Church Street
- Dingle Lane
The Council is working with town centre businesses to provide parking for staff whilst construction takes place.
All businesses in the town centre remain open as usual. Winsford Library and Vale House Resource Centre are also open as usual.
We are working to keep any inconvenience to a minimum and thank the public and businesses for their patience.
What is happening next?
Construction works are now underway, the main works are due to complete by the end of the year. Key milestones ahead are:
- The Costa Coffee unit has been handed over to the tenant, and opened for business on Friday 10 May
- The open spaces and public square are expected to be completed in Winter 2024
- B&M shell is due to be handed over to the tenant early in 2025 for fit-out
- The Council appointed a contractor to replace and refurbish the roof of the Winsford Cross shopping centre. Work will start in August and is expected to take until December to complete. The shopping centre and all shops will be able to stay open during the works and disruption will be kept to a minimum wherever possible.
Further phases of development are anticipated. The Council will provide regular updates here as the project progresses.
If you have any specific questions about the Winsford Town Centre regeneration scheme, please submit these to the project team via
We will answer questions as quickly as possible at 'your questions answered'.
Recent news announcements about the project
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