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Reception admissions

Late reception applications and late changes

Applications received after the closing date of 15 January 2025 will be considered after all on time applications, unless we consider that there are good reasons for the application being late, which must be stated at the time of application, i.e. exceptional medical reasons preventing an earlier application. Supporting documentation must be provided. This includes any changes made after the closing date to an on time application.

Where supporting documentation has been received by 20 February 2025 and we have accepted reasons stated for a late application or late change, the application will be considered as if it had been received by the closing date There are no exceptions to this timeframe.

Application forms, supporting documentation and changes received after the 20 February 2025 will be considered after all on-time applications even where we accept that there are good reasons for the late application as the allocation of school places will have begun.

Where late applications are received for places at aided schools, free schools or academies in the borough, we will notify the admission authority that the application has been received late.

Parents and carers are responsible for notifying us of the reasons for a late application. Any applications received after the closing date of 15 January 2025 that do not provide reasons for consideration by 20 February 2025 will be treated as late applications and considered after all on-time applications.

Date of late application:

Outcome by:

between 16 January 2025 and 15 April 2025

16 May 2025

between 16 April 2025 and 15 May 2025

16 June 2025

between 16 May 2025 and 15 June 2025

16 July 2025

between 16 June 2025 and 15 July 2025

31 August 2025

Any applications or changes received after 15 July 2025 will not be processed until schools return in September, therefore you will not receive an outcome until after this date.