Winsford Whole Place
Achievement for All
New programme to boost pupils' performance in school
Children in Winsford schools are being given every chance to progress so that they are able to achieve their career dreams
Your children's schools have been offered additional resources and supported with a school improvement programme called Achievement for All.
This support includes support for children's maths learning with the introduction of guided maths training. Reviews of children receiving Pupil Premium funding are carried out to check they are on track. It is important that all children are given the chance to reach their full potential.
This work is already starting to pay off
A higher percentage of children in Winsford achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths last year. The percentage of children making good progress as they move from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two has increased.
In Key Stage Four the percentage of children achieving grade four and above in both English and maths increased and the gap between other children in the borough reduced.
Once children leave school we continue to help them as they become young adults. The Council's Young People's Service has worked closed closely with Winsford Whole Place Programme to help young adults start further education, begin work experience placements and apprenticeships, get jobs and receive health and wellbeing support.