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Discounts and exemptions

Disabled people

We offer a reduction in the Council Tax band of the property where a disabled person or persons live.

Having a disability does not automatically entitle you to the disabled band reduction.

This is offered when the disabled person makes use of additional rooms to meet therapeutic or day-to-day needs. For disabled people living in a property in the lowest band, A, a reduction approximately equivalent to 10% will be given.

To qualify, the property needs to be one of the following:

  • has an extra bathroom or kitchen adapted from rooms available in the property, to meet the needs of the disabled person
  • where a wheelchair is used indoors
  • where a special room is required to meet the therapeutic needs of the disabled person

Please note a property inspector may visit the property to conduct further checks before awarded the band reduction.

If the disabled person is no longer resident at the property, the band reduction will no longer apply.

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